PATH and UQ create custom proteins for malaria diagnostics

17 March 2021

A global health organisation and state-of-the-art laboratory at The University of Queensland are collaborating to support the development and evaluation of point-of-care diagnostics for malaria with new custom-made proteins.

PATH and UQ’s Protein Expression Facility will supply researchers with malaria proteins to improve point-of-care diagnostic tools and help reduce the burden of malaria, which continues to affect more than 200 million people and cause more than 400,000 deaths each year.

In PATH’s role as a catalytic product development partner, PATH hopes that the availability of these proteins will de-risk and incentivise diagnostic researchers and manufacturers in developing more appropriate rapid diagnostic tests for malaria.

These reagents are available for purchase and can be obtained directly from The University of Queensland’s Protein Expression Facility or by submitting an inquiry to

Funding to support the development of custom proteins for malaria diagnostics has been provided to PATH by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Read full story on UQ News
