The University of Queensland collaborates with international researchers, teachers, innovators and alumni to create a cleaner, healthier, and happier future.
Our international partnerships take many forms, including joint research and development centres, licensing deals, scholarships, internships, graduate employment programs and philanthropic foundations.
Flagship partners
We've teamed up with the world's brightest minds to find global solutions to global problems.
University of Exeter
UQ and Exeter have partnered to establish the QUEX Institute to address urgent challenges including COVID-19 response, climate change and cyber-attacks.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
UQ and IITD have joined forces to create a joint PhD program through the UQ–IITD Research Academy.
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
UQ and TUM foster innovation and entrepreneurial minds to meet the future-focused needs of a transforming world.
Emory University
UQ and Emory foster the broadening of international research and engagement between the United States of America and Australia.