Funding to develop new opportunities with UQ’s global partners

4 June 2024

This initiative will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network and assist collaborations that may extend teaching, learning, research innovation and government/industry engagement.

"This scheme focuses on opening up new relationships and engagement. It may ultimately lead to research but provides opportunities to develop collaborative initiatives with key strategic partners. It’s a time where important initial discussions or forums can be facilitated for future collaborations to bloom in teaching and learning or in research," said Nicole Patterson, Senior Manager, Global Strategy and Partnerships.

This first round of the new Global Partnerships Funding Scheme focuses on early stage development of collaboration with UQ's strategic partners. In the first round, applications are sought to enhance partnerships and engage stakeholder collaboration by providing financial support for innovative joint activities. These will strengthen UQ's global impact and brand, and improve awareness of the value of partnerships with UQ.
With $100,000 available and up to $20,000 for each project, this scheme will advance engagement with key partners. UQ academics and staff are encouraged to explore the eligible strategic partners that span UQ’s global network and submit a proposal.

Building broader and deeper engagement with partners is a focus of Round 1 which opened on 24 May 2024. The deadline for submitting applications to Faculties/Institutes is 27 June 2024. Faculties/Institutes will need to provide applications (ranked by the Faculty/Institute) to Global Partnerships by 1 July 2024.

Besides the name change, this round will support non-research collaborations with several strategic partners. A second round will be launched in Semester 2, focusing on specific countries and regions.

Key dates

MilestoneR1 2024 Dates

Call for applications issued

24 May

Applications due for submission to Faculty or Institute

27 June

Applications (ranked) due to Global Strategy Partnerships

1 July

Applications shortlisted and assessed by Selections Panel


Applicants notified via email regarding the outcome of their application 

27 July

Awarded funding will be allocated to the relevant unit


Report submission and financial acquittal deadline

August 2025

Project impact update

August 2026

Projects with the University of Exeter, Technical University of Munich, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, and Emory University are not supported as they have their own funding schemes.

Find the full details including our international partner list, scheme guidelines, and key dates below. 

Apply to the Scheme now 
