6 initiatives awarded for the inaugural UQ Global Partnerships Funding Scheme

26 August 2024

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After a competitive selection process, 6 initiatives have been awarded funding totalling $116,721 for the inaugural round of The University of Queensland (UQ) Global Partnerships Funding Scheme, launched in 2024.

To support the successful implementation of the Global Engagement Framework, the Global Partnerships Funding Scheme has been created to assist UQ faculties, institutes and units to pursue activities with specific international partners that will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network.

Congratulations to the successful applicants:

  • UQ Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong): Strengthening Global Impact: The UQ-HKUST Joint Symposium
  • UQ Faculty of Science Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Chile): Capability and Knowledge Exchange for One Health Avian Influenza Biosecurity Preparedness in Chile and Australia
  • UQ Faculty of MedicineFiji National University (Fiji): Building Health and Environment Teaching and Research Capacity for Pacific Island Countries: A UQ-FNU Collaboration
  • UQ Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Chile): Understanding Diversity in Health Professions Education: Needs and Challenges for Tertiary Education Institutions
  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology Ghent University (Belgium): Questioning Quality in the Era of ‘Design Governance’
  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology The University of Tokyo (Japan): Advancing the conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable products

Learn more about the scheme
