17 initiatives awarded for the second round of UQ Global Partnerships Funding Scheme

27 November 2024

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After a competitive selection process, 17 initiatives have been awarded funding totalling $217,174 for the second round of The University of Queensland (UQ) Global Partnerships Funding Scheme, launched in 2024.

To support the successful implementation of the Global Engagement Framework, the Global Partnerships Funding Scheme has been created to assist UQ faculties, institutes and units to pursue activities with specific international partners that will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network.

Congratulations to the successful applicants:

  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology Van Lang Uni, Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh Uni of Technology (HCMUT) (Vietnam): Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture
  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Indonesia (Anthropology), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Kalijawi Community (Indonesia): Workshops: Co-design of actions and policy recommendations for climate-resilient cities and communities in Indonesia
  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information TechnologyUniversity of South Carolina (USA), University of Michigan (USA), Umass Chan Medical School (USA), Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) (USA, Germany): Neurodesk Workshop
  • UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology Soloman Islands National University (SINU) University of the South Pacific (USP) (Solomon Islands): UQ-Pacific Partnership for Climate-resilience and Sustainability Infrastructures
  • UQ Faculty of Business, Economics & Law Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile): Working towards long-term social impact in mining territories
  • UQ Faculty of Business, Economics & Law Tsinghua University (China): Fostering Global Partnership through Joint Symposium on Job Search on China’s Labour Market
  • UQ Faculty of Science Tongji University (China): Global Perspectives in Earth and Environmental Sciences: Fostering Collaboration with Tongji University
  • UQ Faculty of Science Osaka University (Japan): Advancing Quantitative Methods for Emerging Challenges in Finance and Insurance: A UQ-Osaka University Collaboration
  • UQ Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil): Together for Global Health Equity – uniting Australian and Brazilian efforts to tackle health disparities
  • UQ Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences University of Leeds, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Glasgow (United Kingdom): Embedding Research Partnerships at UQ for Social Policy Impact
  • UQ Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Tongji University (China): A joint symposium at Tongji University, Shanghai for conceptualising an Australia-China- ASEAN linguistic bridge-building project
  • UQ Faculty of Medicine Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Research Centre for Vaccines and Drugs (Indonesia): Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre - Indonesia - Alliance (AID-I)
  • UQ Faculty of Medicine Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China): Global Collaboration for Advancing Translational Immunology Research and Talent Education
  • UQ Faculty of Medicine University of São Paulo, São Paulo State University, AMIB (Brazil): Fostering Innovations and Global Impact in Intensive Care through Australia-Brazil Partnerships
  • UQ Faculty of Medicine Hanoi Medical University (Vietnam): Advancing Strategic Collaborations in Health Research and Academic Education with the Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
  • UQ Faculty of Medicine Ludwig Maximilian University, Technical University Munich and Affiliated Institutes Munich (Germany): Brain and Mind: a joint symposia, networking events and academic exchange – UQ-SBMSQBI and LMU-TUM-MCN
  • UQ Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation Fiji National University, The University of the South Pacific (Fiji): Underutilised crops and animal husbandry systems: pathways to agribusiness and value chains in the Pacific Islands

Learn more about the scheme
