Dr Liliana Pagliero
Dr Liliana Pagliero
Deputy Director (HDR); and Research Fellow, Sustainable Minerals Institute, UQ
Liliana's research interests are watershed hydrology and hydrological modelling to support the assessment and sustainable management of water resources.
During her career, Liliana has worked in government institutions, in Chile and in the European Commission, with the role of implementing and executing hydrological models as a support tool for the management of water resources and the formulation of policies at the basin up to scale continental scale. She has worked at Universities in Chile, Belgium and Australia; investigating the different hydrological processes and their interactions, including snow processes, flooding, agriculture and irrigation, erosion, water quality and climate change.
After joining SMI, Liliana has worked on a number of water-related projects in the mining industry from local to regional perspectives always in the context of the catchment and region they are located. Her work has evolved from considering only technical aspects for water management to a more holistic approach that includes environmental, legal, and social aspects through her participation in multidisciplinary projects.