Join us for an enlightening presentation on the Australia Awards Indonesia Short course “Digital Transformation Policy and Practice” and how this supports UQ’s contributions towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Exploring topics such as the role of government in the digital economy, cybersecurity, GEDSI-related objectives, ICT infrastructure, and cross-government coordination, valuable linkages between Indonesian Government ministries and Australian agencies were created, fostering relationships and facilitating further collaboration. 

Event details

Date: Tuesday 20 August 2024
Time: 12-1pm 
Venue:  Online (Zoom)





Associate Professor Christoph Breidback
Associate Professor (Business Information Systems) and Co-Lead for Service Innovation Alliance Research Hub, UQ Business School

A/Professor Christoph Breidbach is internationally recognised for his sustained contributions to the Service Science field. His program of research contributes to our understanding of how digital technologies transform professional, financial, or health services, and resulted in over 50 peer-reviewed publications in leading outlets to date. The sustained esteem for his work is evident through a ‘Distinguished Member Award’ (2019) by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), the premier global association for BIS research and practice, appointment to the Advisory Council of the INFORMS Service Science section, or invitations to present keynotes and research seminars at conferences and universities in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Iran, UK, and New Zealand. He successfully secured over $1mil in external research funding as Chief Investigator from ARC Linkage, Innovation Connections, or industry grants.

Associate Professor Stan Karanasios
Discipline Convenor, Business Information Systems, UQ Business School

A/Professor Stan Karanasios’ interests focus on how digital technology impacts organisations and society. Over the last ten years, he has undertaken a program of research on the interaction between new digital technologies and organisations. Recently he completed a project for the International Telecommunications Union on digital transformation in Ghana and for Emergency Management Victoria on how social media platforms change the information landscape in the emergency sector. His research draws and expands on activity theory, an area in which he is recognised as an international expert. He holds a visiting position at the University of Leeds and regularly teaches in a summer school on activity theory in Europe. He has published in leading information systems journals, in leading information systems conferences and has written reports for government and organisations, his research also appears in The Conversation and other news and media outlets.



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