The University of Queensland (UQ) in collaboration with University of Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) and its members CentraleSupelec (CS) and AgroParisTech (AgroPT) are hosting the 3rd Franco Australian Symposium on high-enthalpy and reacting flows as part of UQ-UPSaclay Week.


There is a strong history of collaboration between UQ and UPSaclay. This is shown through previous collaborative symposia in both France and Australia, as well as multiple sabbaticals and cotutelle exchanges between UQ and CS. As such, the 3rd Franco Australian Symposium on high-enthalpy and reacting flows is the latest event in a long history of collaboration between UQ and UPSaclay.

Join us online as researchers from UQ and UPSaclay present on their cutting-edge research in reacting and ionised flow and planetary entry aerothermodynamics.

Date: Thursday 25 November 2021
AEST Time: 5-7.30pm
CET Time: 8-10.30am
Check your time zone. 

Register to attend via zoom

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Professor Richard Morgan, Professor, Centre for Hypersonics, UQ

Joint speakers

Pulsed discharges for surface bio-decontamination
Dr Carolyn Jacobs, Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ
Non-equilibrium radiation modelling
Pierre Mariotto, PhD Candidate, CentraleSupélec
Marie-Yvonne Perrin, Research Director, CNRS, EM2C Laboratory, CentraleSupélec
CentraleSupélec research strengths and capabilities overview
Professor Christophe Laux, CentraleSupélec
Modelling of multi-physics hypersonic flows with Eilmer
Dr Rowan Gollan, Senior Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ
Dr Peter Jacobs, Honorary Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ

UPSaclay speakers

Measurements and modeling of VUV molecular emission bands
Associate Professor Sean McGuire, Senior Lecturer, CentraleSupélec  
Nonequilibrium radiation measurements in a recombining air/argon plasma
Ulysse Dubuet, PhD Candidate, CentraleSupélec   
Nonequilibrium radiation measurements in a recombining CO2 plasma
Corentin Grimaldi, PhD Candidate, CentraleSupélec 

Plasma-assisted stabilisation of lean premixed flames
Victorien Blanchard, PhD candidate, CentraleSupélec, CNRS

Resistive MHD for modelling plasma
Dr Julien Labaune, Engineer, The French Aerospace Lab-ONERA 

CO2 dissociation by nanosecond pulsed dicharges
Jean Maillard, PhD candidate, CentraleSupélec 

UQ speakers

UQ research strengths and capabilities overview
Professor Richard Morgan, Professor, Centre for Hypersonics, UQ
MHD aerobraking for Atmospheric Entry
Dr David Gildfind, Senior Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ
Experimental simulation of non-equilibrium giant planet entry conditions
Dr Chris James, ARC DECRA Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ
Supersonic combustion research and turbulence studies in high-enthalpy flows
Associate Professor Anand Veeraragavan, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ

Simulation of Supersonic Combustion and Plasma Instabilities
Professor Vincent Wheatley, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ