Supporting smallholder farmers with ACIAR Learn

27 September 2021

Agricultural professionals and researchers in the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) partner countries will soon be able to rapidly advance their skills and improve their research through ‘ACIAR Learn’. 

ACIAR Learn is being designed, developed, and delivered through a partnership between ACIAR, The University of Queensland (UQ), and Catalpa International. 

The online learning program will help build expertise to ensure researchers are best able to support agricultural development in their countries and improve outcomes for smallholder farmers. 

Project Leader Ms Alessia Anibaldi of UQ says better learning outcomes will be just one benefit of ACIAR Learn.

"We’re discovering that there are real benefits to online learning when it’s done right.  For example, it is more flexible and accessible than face-to-face learning," said Ms Anibaldi.

"You can do it in your own time and anywhere in the world. These elements make learning more equitable for different genders and far more socially inclusive."

Read full story on ACIAR's website
