Developing nations are deeply vulnerable to the impacts of a changing environment. We work with leaders and community groups to help mitigate the effects of environmental challenges on their livelihoods.
Preserving marine life and food security
UQ and James Cook University are the only two Australian institutions to have a memorandum of understanding with the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI), a multilateral partnership of six countries working together to sustain marine and coastal resources. The Indonesian Government built a new CTI-Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security regional secretariat building, investing US$5.5 million towards the CTI Centre. Marine expert Professor Peter Mumby contributed to the formulation of the new CTI Regional Plan of Action. As part of the plan, UQ will lead a new regional research project that develops transboundary resources management between Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines to expand the CTI University Partnerships program across the region.