As part of the QUEX Symposium, a professional staff event will be held to highlight UQ and Exeter’s strategic direction.

The event will also showcase how the professional services teams across both universities contribute to the academic endeavour and achievement of strategic goals.

The event will be live streamed to Exeter and provides a great opportunity for professional services staff to network.

Event schedule 

Room 275, Global Change Institute (20), The University of Queensland

Time Activity
5:00 – 5:10pm     Welcome and overview of QUEX Institute and professional staff exchange program
5:10 – 5:30pm Overview of UQ Strategy
5:30 – 5:50pm Overview of Exeter Strategy
5:50 – 6:00pm Case Study: UQ Awards for Excellence winners 2018: Research Outputs and Impact Team
6:00 – 6:10pm Case Study: Exeter Student Employability and Academic Success 
6:10 – 6:20pm Research support and funding opportunities
6:20 – 6:25pm Overview of Information Sharing Platform
6:25 – 7:00pm     Networking with drinks and canapes 

Register your attendance 


Global Change Institute (20), The University of Queensland