The 2018 Latin American Colloquium (LAC 2018) will look to a new topic of: shifting global dynamics: implications for Australia and Latin America.

Recent political and social upheavals such as Brexit in the United Kingdom and Trump’s election in the United States have resulted in changing global dynamics, which in some cases, have resulted in a shake-up of traditional international alliances and power structures. This year’s Colloquium will explore how these changes will affect Australia and Latin America's bilateral and regional cooperation, as well as their economic, political and social landscapes.

Panel sessions

Panel 1: New regional economic and trade agreements (TPP-11, PAFTA, Pacific Alliance FTA): are they effective enablers for closer cooperation?

Australia is embarking upon negotiations for a suite of trade agreements with a number of Latin American countries in recognition of many rapidly-growing economies and burgeoning investment opportunities in the region. This panel will consider the potential implications and opportunities arising from these agreements and pose the question: are economic and trade agreements effective mechanisms to support closer engagement between our regions?

Panel 2: The Horizontal perspective: fostering people-to-people linkages to promote cooperation and positive social impact

It is widely recognised that we are living in a climate of increasing socio-political complexity, compounded by blurred geographical boundaries and strengthened global connectivity as a result of social media and mass mobility of people. However, these factors also give rise to opportunities that can be harnessed for social good. This panel will present case studies highlighting how direct people-to-people linkages can be fostered to promote cross-cultural cooperation and generate positive impact, bypassing traditional political, social or multicultural barriers.


The Honourable Stuart Robert MP
Assistant Treasurer, Commonwealth of Australia
Ms Elizabeth Castro
President, Australia Peru Chamber of Commerce Inc (APCCI)
Mr Andrew Martin
Chief Negotiator, Pacific Alliance FTA
Deputy Chief Negotiator, The Indonesia – Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)
Ms Julieanne Alroe
Chair of Infrastructure Australia
Ms Virginia Greville
Chief Executive Officer, Trade and Investment Queensland
Ms Raquel Larrazabal de Velardo
Chief Executive Officer, Turbo Snacks and kako-T
Mr Tim McLennan
Chief Executive Officer, QUT Bluebox
Director, Australia-Latin America Business Council (ALABC)
Ms Valeria Jimenez Garcia
Co-founder and Producer, Aztec Visuals
Mr John O’Brien
Partner, Energy, Resources & Industrials, Deloitte Financial Advisory
Professor Flavio Menezes
Professor, School of Economics, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Dr Roberto H. Esposto-Caamaño
Senior Lecturer, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Mr Juan Polanco
Entrepreneur and Director, Australian Latin America Young Professionals (ALAYP)

Heads of Mission

His Excellency Mr Miguel Julian Palomino de la Gala
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Peru
His Excellency Mr Jaime Bueno-Miranda
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Colombia
His Excellency Mr José Jairo Herandez Milian
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica
His Excellency Mr Patricio Powell
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Chile
Her Excellency Ms Connie Taracena-Secaira
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala
His Excellency Mr Eduardo Patricio Peña Haller
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Mexico
His Excellency Dr Hugo Javier Gobbi
His Excellency Dr Hugo Javier Gobbi
His Excellency Mr Juan Salazar Sancisi
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador
Mr Daniel David Gasparri Rey
Chargé d'Affaires, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Mr David Humberto Cruz Rodríguez
Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of El Salvador
Mr Esteban Melgarejo
Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Uruguay

Program overview

Time Activity
1.30pm – 2.00pm Registration 
2.00pm – 2.10pm  Welcome address: Professor Peter Høj, President and Vice-Chancellor, UQ
2.10pm – 2.20pm  Ambassadorial welcome address
2.20pm – 2.55pm Keynote speaker followed by Q&A
2.55pm – 3.55pm  Panel one: new regional economic and trade agreements (e.g. the Trans Pacific Partnership and Pacific Alliance Free Trade Agreement): are they effective enablers for closer cooperation?
3.55pm – 4.15pm  Networking afternoon tea 
4.15pm – 4.50pm Keynote speaker followed by Q&A
4.50pm – 5.50pm Panel two: the horizontal perspective: fostering people-to-people linkages to promote cooperation and positive social impact. 
5.50pm – 5.55pm Ambassadorial closing remarks
5.55pm – 6.00pm Closing remarks by Dr Jessica Gallagher, Director, Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship, UQ

Event contact

For more information about the event or UQ's engagement in Latin America, contact

Ms Rachael Kelly, International Visits and Events Officer, Global Engagement and Entrepreneurship, UQ

+61 7 3346 0618