Growing people-to-people links
UQ has a long and proud tradition of cross-cultural exchange with Canada. With research collaboration, corporate partnership, and student exchange on the rise, UQ is working with Canada’s top institutions to find solutions to sustainable agriculture, affordable sanitation, regenerative medicine, and other significant world issues.
Fast facts
Canadian students enrolled at UQ
Canada-UQ co-publications
academic staff born in Canada
research project collaborations
alumni in Canada
agreements with 11 official partners
Fast facts show full year 2023 data.
Collaboration in action
- Following a competitive selection process, 5 outstanding initiatives have received funding totalling $47,000 in the latest UQ Global Strategy and Partnership Seed Funding Scheme.
- Nine cutting-edge initiatives have been awarded $72,824 in the latest UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme.
- Whether it is watching television or playing electronic games, teenagers are experiencing serious physical and mental health consequences after just two hours of screen use, according to University of Queensland-led research.
- Nine excellent initiatives have been approved for $74,350 in funding in the 2021 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme. A total of 19 eligible applications were received for this round, amounting to $171,350 in requested funding.
- 10 collaborative research projects have been approved for $80,236 in funding in the 2021 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme. A total of 17 eligible applications were received for this round amounting to $147,067 in requested funding.
- Africa is often referred to as the cradle of humankind – the birthplace of our species, Homo sapiens. There is evidence of the development of early symbolic behaviours such as pigment use and perforated shell ornaments in Africa, but so far most of what we know about the development of complex social behaviours such as burial and mourning has come from Eurasia.
UQ has 2773 alumni living in Canada. Alumni from or living in Canada include: