War survivor Nabi Sahak has a burning desire to change the world for the better, and he’s well on the way to doing so as he graduates with a University of Queensland Master of International Studies (Peace and Conflict Resolution) this week.
Nabi is no stranger to conflict. He was born and raised in Kabul in Afghanistan, and lived with the terrors of war for 23 years before migrating to the United States in 2002.
The fact that he had borne witness to refugee crises, human rights violations, abuse of children and the full gamut or war horrors meant he had much to offer as a Rotary Peace Fellow Scholarship postgraduate student at UQ’s Rotary Peace Centre.
Nabi’s commitment to peace was forged while serving in the Afghan Armed Forces during the civil war. He spent two months in hospital recovering from gunshot wounds, where he saw hundreds of wounded men, women and children.