TUM invites UQ academic and professional staff to apply for grants for teaching or training purposes, made available by the European Union under the international dimension of the Erasmus+ program.


  • Provide financial support for staff mobility to TUM
  • Foster institutional engagement with TUM, through exchange of best practice and development of new formats of cooperation
  • Further expanding and advance partnership initiatives in emerging focus areas such as Hydrogen & Green Energy, Food Sciences, Digital Agriculture & AI (e.g. Agrobotics and Automation, Digital Phenotyping, Plant Breeding and Genetics) as well as in the climate and environment research space (e.g. drought and water management)
  • Enhance existing student mobility, especially to increase incoming mobility to TUM
  • Deepen existing ties with the two institutions, in particular through exchange of administrative and academic staff on departmental and central level
  • Enable the pursuit of key opportunities and nurturing partner networks identified as having the potential to advance UQ’s strategic objectives within priority countries
  • Support UQ faculties, schools and institutes to launch new projects and promote innovative, creative initiatives that further UQ’s Global Strategy objectives.

Grants available 

Round One 2023, will fund four (4) staff mobilities to TUM. This will be open to two different E+ mobilities for which UQ staff and researchers can apply:

  • Staff Mobility for Training (PD) (STT): at least 5 days
    (not including travel days!)* (2 x staff mobilities)
  • Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA): at least 5 days (2 x staff mobilities)
    (not including travel days!)* (At least eight hours of lectures must be held at TUM per week or part of a week.) 
    Please note that research activities cannot be funded! However a teaching stay (STA) can be combined with a research stay.

Stay at TUM until 31 December 2023.

Application and selection process

Applications must be submitted to Tamara Weissflog (Erasmus+ coordinator, UQ) by March 10, 2023.
No direct applications to TUM will be accepted.

The application should include the following documents:

  • copy of ID/Passport
  • CV
  • application form including project description and time schedule
  • a letter of invitation from a TUM staff member
  • proof of employment at the home university

For more information about the application and selection process, please contact Tamara Weissflog, Erasmus+ coordinator. Outcomes announced April 2023.

More details on Eramus+

Staff Mobility Program for Training (STT) Staff Mobility Program for Teaching (STA)


    Key dates

    Application deadline: Friday 10 March 2023 (AEST)

    Application outcome announced: April 2023


    For inquiries and application submissions please contact Tamara Weissflog, Erasmus+ coordinator, UQ