Receiving occupational therapy at home has been found to be effective for people living with dementia, according to a University of Queensland-led study.
A quick, cost-effective, cloud-based platform, which could solve one of fish farming’s biggest challenges, has received a US$100,000 grant for concept development and testing.
Humans are a step closer to seeing what the world looks like through the eyes of animals, thanks to technology developed by researchers from The University of Queensland and the University of Exeter.
University of Queensland scientists have provided new insights into how the tiny brains of mantis shrimp are able to make sense of a breathtaking amount of visual input.
The study may help researchers better understand the evolution of colour vision in the animal kingdom.
Flexible jaws may help wombats better survive in a changing world by adapting to climate change’s effect on vegetation and new diets in conservation sanctuaries.
The University of Queensland has partnered with Papua New Guinea's largest technological institution to support sustainable development outcomes across the country’s resources sector.
All UQ professional staff, academics and researchers are invited to apply for the UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme – an initiative established to assist faculties, institutes and units to pursue activities that strengthen the impact of UQ's global network.