Global Development Hub

The Global Development Hub is open to all UQ and external stakeholders with an interest in global development work at UQ. Learn more below on how you can connect with the Global Development Hub.

The Global Development Hub harnesses UQ’s wealth and diverse breadth of expertise to provide opportunities and solve challenges globally. Through the Global Development Hub, you can connect with a community of like-minded UQ academics, researchers, development practitioners and students across a range of disciplines, faculties and institutes who are either currently engaged in, or holding an interest in, global development work.

The Global Development Hub is informed by the Global Development Reference Group and supported by the Global Development Hub coordinator.  The International Development team lends support to the Global Development Hub as needed with technical leadership, training and capacity building, management, and research. 

Join the Global Development Hub

2. Request for information

The GD Hub is seeking your support in creating the first map of global development expertise and impact across UQ.

You will need your UQ username and password to access this form.

Capturing innovative and impactful development projects will help us to profile this important work and to connect pockets of expertise across UQ to development opportunities.

The 'Request for Information' form is designed to be completed quickly as an initial touch point in the implementation of the Global Development Impact Plan (2021-2025).

Request for Information