Ten collaborative projects have been approved for $77,138 in funding in the second round of the 2019 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme.
A total of 32 eligible applications were received for this round amounting to more than $280,000 in requested funding.
Congratulations to the successful applicants:
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Law – Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and São Paulo School of Business Administration (Brazil): Leveraging entrepreneurial education for impact through experimental and collaborative learning.
- Faculty of Science – Southern University of Science and Technology (China): UQ-SUSTech HDR and Research Collaboration Enhancement
- Institute for Molecular Bioscience – Wenzhou Medical University (China): The Everest Genome Collaborative.
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Law & Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Jilin University (China): Investigating Social and Legal Issues in the Chinese Belt-Road Context.
- Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences – Chinese University of Hong Kong (China) and the University of Auckland (New Zealand): Harmonising the content, processes and outcome measures of a women’s cancer research program in Australia, Hong Kong SAR and New Zealand
- Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology – Technical University of Munich (Germany): UQ-TUM Advanced Simulation Partnership – Kratos Workshop.
- Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany): High-Frequency Electrical Stimulation: An emerging technology in bioelectrics and industrial applications.
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (India): Technology and society: Exploring future trends.
- Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology – Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia): UQ - ITB Agricultural Nanotechnology Initiative.
- Faculty of Science – Nanyang Technological University (Singapore): Singapore-UQ Marine Initiative: finding solutions to major problems facing the world’s coastal ecosystems and societies through teaching and research partnerships.
This scheme has proven instrumental in supporting the efforts of UQ’s faculties and institutes to establish new and expanded linkages with strategic global partners.
The next round will continue in early 2020. The Global Engagement team will contact international and/or research teams prior to the opening of the next round to confirm designated contacts, communications, and submission procedures.
With the aim of supporting the successful implementation of the Global Strategy Framework, the UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme assists UQ faculties, institutes, and units to pursue activities that will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network.