
Life is a Bitch film

Opening Night: Life is a Bitch (Brazil)

21 October 2019 4:30pm7:30pm
Join us for the UQ opening of the Latin American Film Festival. We will be screening the Brazilian film Life is a Bitch (Como é cruel viver assim)

Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition

4 October 2019 9:00am
3MT is an academic communication competition that challenges research higher degree students to explain their research to a non-specialist audience in just 3 minutes.

QUEX International Symposium

25 July 2019 8:30am26 July 2019 3:30pm
UQ and the University of Exeter (Exeter) will host the QUEX International Symposium: Fostering Global Sustainability and Wellbeing in July 2019.

QUEX Professional Services Workshop

24 July 2019 5:00pm7:00pm
As part of the QUEX Symposium, a professional staff event will be held to highlight UQ and Exeter’s strategic direction, whilst also showcasing how the professional services teams across both universities contribute to the academic endeavour and achievement of strategic goals.
Australian-German Science and Innovation Day

Australian-German Science and Innovation Day

2 October 2018 9:00am
This event will showcase scientific collaborations between Australian and German universities, and present the objectives, progress and outcomes of current research projects covering a variety of scientific disciplines.
2018 Latin American Colloquium

2018 Latin American Colloquium

4 September 2018 2:00pm6:00pm
The 2018 Colloquium will look to a new topic of: shifting global dynamics: implications for Australia and Latin America.
Global experiences

Global Experiences Expo

18 April 2018 10:00am
Learn about student exchange and short-term study programs, international internships and volunteer opportunities as well as available financial support.
Jakarta skyscape

Indonesia in an era of change

3 April 2018 9:00am4 April 2018 5:00pm
A two-day forum to showcase Indonesian research at The University of Queensland

New Colombo Plan Mobility Program information session for UQ staff

28 March 2018 2:00pm3:00pm
This session is designed to give UQ staff a better idea of how to prepare an application for New Colombo Plan Mobility Program funding with the highest chance of success. Attendees can expect to learn about eligibility requirements and what the Australian Government is looking for in an application.

New Colombo Plan Mobility Program information session for UQ staff

27 March 2018 10:00am11:00am
This session is designed to give UQ staff a better idea of how to prepare an application for New Colombo Plan Mobility Program funding with the highest chance of success. Attendees can expect to learn about eligibility requirements and what the Australian Government is looking for in an application.
Brazilian flag

Brazilian Higher Education Internationalisation: current climate and opportunities

18 January 2018 1:00pm2:30pm
Professor José Celso Freire Junior, Associate Provost for International Affairs and Head, International Office, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), will deliver a presentation to UQ staff interested in engaging with UNESP and with Brazil more broadly.
Did you know less than 5% of people with dementia take part in research? You can help beat dementia

Dementia Registry Think Tank - Piers Kotting, National Institute for Health Research (UK)

22 November 2017 12:30pm2:00pm
Join Piers Kotting, Institute for Health Research (UK) Office of the National Director for Dementia Research Program Director and National Health Service (NHS) Innovation Accelerator Program, to hear about defeating dementia.
Latin American Colloquium

2017 Latin American Colloquium

13 October 2017 9:00am3:00pm
Following last year's 10th anniversary event, the Annual Latin American Colloquium 2017 will look to the future of Australia and Latin American relations and consider approaches and opportunities to a globally relevant and increasingly pertinent issue: energy for a sustainable future.
UQ-TUM Bioeconomy Symposium

UQ-TUM Bioeconomy Symposium

4 October 2017 8:45am6 October 2017 3:30pm
Under the theme, 'Impact of Biotechnology on the Economy of the Future', there will be a focus on the production of healthy and safe foods, sustainable agricultural production, renewable resources and biomaterials for industry, biotechnology and bioprocess engineering, along with the development of biomass-based energy carriers.
Asia Pacific Forum

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences-UQ Asia Pacific Forum

4 September 2017 8:00am5 September 2017 1:30pm
The University of Queensland (UQ) will host the third collaborative forum in which academics and researchers from UQ and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) will discuss issues of national and international significance and how these can be advanced by collaboration in the humanities and social science disciplines.

Westpac Bicentennial Foundation Scholarships Information Session

7 June 2017 1:00pm2:00pm
The Foundation is celebrating Westpac's 200th anniversary in 2017 with a $100 million gift to future generations of Australians.
NCP globe

New Colombo Plan Mobility Program information session for UQ staff

18 April 2017 1:00pm2:00pm
This session is designed to give UQ staff a better idea of how to prepare an application for New Colombo Plan Mobility Program funding with the highest chance of success.
NCP globe

New Colombo Plan Mobility Program information session for UQ staff

3 April 2017 2:00pm3:00pm
This session is designed to give UQ staff a better idea of how to prepare an application for New Colombo Plan Mobility Program funding with the highest chance of success.
NCP globe

New Colombo Plan Mobility Program information session for UQ staff

29 March 2017 11:00am12:00pm
This session is designed to give UQ staff a better idea of how to prepare an application for New Colombo Plan Mobility Program funding with the highest chance of success.
German flag

German Science and Innovation Day

5 October 2016 1:30pm6:00pm
The German and Science Innovation Day will provide an opportunity to gain insights into research projects involving researchers in Queensland and Germany.
10th annual Latin American Colloquium

2016 Latin American Colloquium

5 October 2016 9:00am4:30pm
The University of Queensland will host the tenth UQ-Latin America Colloquium on October 5 2016. The 10th anniversary represents a significant milestone for the Colloquium and presents an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on partnerships and projects initiated throughout the past decade and showcase the diverse connections between Australia and Latin America.
McDonnell International Scholars Academy 6th International Symposium

McDonnell International Scholars Academy 6th International Symposium

22 September 2016 9:00am25 September 2016 5:00pm
The biennial Symposium provides an invaluable forum to explore the role of research universities in tackling significant global challenges in an uncertain future.

New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program information session

26 May 2016 10:00am11:00am
The New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship Program is a prestigious scholarship scheme that provides an opportunity for high achieving undergraduate students to undertake study in one of the eligible host locations across the Indo-Pacific region.
