Strategic allies
UQ is developing a strong presence in Brazil at the turning point of the country's rapid growth and expansion into the global economy. Through deepening engagement with selected partners – including mining giant Vale and the São Paulo State University (UNESP) – research collaboration is addressing the key challenges of our time, and working towards a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future.
Fast facts
Brazilian students enrolled at UQ
Brazil-UQ co-publications
academic staff born in Brazil
research project collaborations
alumni in Brazil
agreements with 10 official partners
Fast facts show full year 2024 data.
Collaboration in action
- Nine excellent initiatives have been approved for $74,350 in funding in the 2021 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme. A total of 19 eligible applications were received for this round, amounting to $171,350 in requested funding.
- Building on joint research excellence in science and engineering, the advanced flagship partnership between The University of Queensland (UQ) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will deliver innovative solutions to address global challenges and further global impact.
- Venom from spitting cobras has evolved to cause predators extreme pain as a form of self-defence, rather than for capturing prey, according to new research.
- Nine collaborative projects have been approved for $85,384 in funding in the 2020 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme.
- A strong association between the genes influencing cattle temperament and autism in humans has been discovered by University of Queensland researchers.
- A University of Queensland-led study has revealed that future demand for ethanol biofuel could potentially expand sugarcane farming land in Brazil by five million hectares by 2030.
UQ has 809 alumni living in Brazil. Alumni from or living in Brazil include: