UQ and Chile

Partnering for change

UQ's world-recognised research strengths in mining and engineering are valuable to Chile, where copper export alone stands for more than one third of government income. In fact, UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute – International Centre of Excellence in Chile (SMI-ICE-Chile) seeks to help the mining industry overcome critical barriers to long-term sustainability through research, technology transfer, and people development.

Fast facts


Chilean students enrolled at UQ


Chile-UQ co-publications


academic staff born in Chile


research project collaborations


alumni in Chile


agreements with 8 official partners

Fast facts show full year 2023 data. 

Collaboration in action



UQ has more than 400 alumni living in Chile. Alumni from or living in Chile include:

Veterinary science academic and researcher, and former Rector of Austral University of Chile (PhD – Vet Pathology 1988)
Co-Founder and Executive Director of Patagua; Previously, Camila was a volunteer for Fundación América Solidaria in the Dominican Republic, where she worked on natural resource management and local development projects (Master of Integrated Water Management 2011)