UQ and North-East Asia

Showcase country

UQ has more student mobility, research collaborations, and commercialisation partnerships with China than with almost any other country.

Collaboration in action

  • Eleven collaborative research projects have been approved for $73,425 in funding in the second round of the 2018 UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme. A total of 28 eligible applications were received for this round amounting to more than $220,000 in requested funding.
  • Bachelor of Environmental Management students recently put their studies into practise in Wuhan, China, working with the WWF conservation NGO to improve the health of the Yangtze River.
  • University of Queensland research projects to develop better batteries for renewable energy and a way of predicting crop yields from space have been funded under a joint Queensland-China scheme.
  • More than 20 international students from The University of Queensland had their moment to shine at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law’s International Scholarships Dinner.
  • More than 400 University of Queensland students will have the valuable opportunity to travel to the Indo-Pacific region to gain practical experience next year under the New Colombo Plan Mobility program.
  • Six University of Queensland students have been awarded Westpac Bicentennial Foundation Asian Exchange Scholarships. The $12,000 bursaries fund students to spend a semester studying at a leading Asian university.



UQ has more than 10,570 North-East Asian Alumni, including:


One of Japan’s most respected APAC specialists and CEO, Melanie Brock Advisory (Bachelor of Arts 1989, Master of Literary Studies 1990)
Hong Kong SAR

Founder of a consulting business on the Asian financial industry, The LaunchPad.Biz; Co-founder and international expert ZiAsset Consulting; author and expert on Asia's finance industry (MBA 1982); Vice-Chancellor's Alumni Excellence Award 2020.
Hong Kong SAR

Kingsford Environmental founder, International Alumnus of the Year 2012 (PhD 1995). Professor Ho's Kingsford Environmental Group also provided a generous gift to the Andrew N. Liveris building.
Hong Kong SAR

Medical professional, International Alumnus of the Year 2010 (MBBS 1965, Doctor of Medicine 1995). Dr Yuen also gifted The Nat Yuen Collection of Chinese Antiquities to UQ Art Museum.
Hong Kong SAR

Managing Director Goldman Sachs, Head of Asia Alternative Capital Markets Group (Bachelor of Commerce 2006)
Hong Kong SAR

Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer, SJM Holdings Ltd: leading owner, operator and developer of casinos and integrated entertainment resorts in Macau (MBA 1998)

Researcher and educator (Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1994, PhD 1999, International Alumnus of the Year 2011)
South Korea

Marketing strategist and panellist on Korean TV show Abnormal Summit (Bachelor of Business/Arts 2013)