Applications are now closed for 2024.

The QUEX Workshop Grants Scheme is designed to broaden academic and research collaboration between UQ and the University of Exeter.

Up to five grants of AU$6,500 (GB£3,500) will be available to UQ and Exeter collaborators.

For any queries relating to the Scheme or further information on the Global Strategy, please contact the Global Partnerships office at

How to apply

Submit the application form to and

Scheme aims

Workshops Grants are intended to support the delivery of, and attendance at, joint workshops and symposia. 

The specific aims include:

  • Supporting enabling activities that bring together academic staff with excellent and complementary expertise and capability.
  • Addressing address challenges with potential for the significant impact that one partner could not as effectively carry out on their own
  • Facilitating exploration of novel research concepts to a point at which significant external funding can be sought.
  • Promoting and facilitating ground-breaking interdisciplinary research.
  • Facilitating the development of new, shared educational provision leading to significant enhancement of the curriculum and student experience.
  • Demonstrating clearly the added value of the QUEX Institute.

Supported initiatives

Joint applications of UQ and Exeter academices are sought from the three current themes of the partnership:

  • Healthy Living
  • Global Environment Future
  • Digital Worlds and Disruptive Technologies
  • Mineral Security and Sustainability

Funding details

Applications up to a maximum AU$6,500 (GB£3,500) will be invited. Funding will be provided to the nominated lead applicant who will be responsible for all arrangements for any events, activities and participation.

All funded applications will be promoted via the QUEX Institute website and are expected to be completed in a nine-month period from the award date.


The Workshop Grants will be available to the whole academic community at Exeter and Queensland.

Eligible event and costs include:

  • Digital Collaborations; Hosting online workshops, seminars, symposia etc for the purposes of networking, showcasing our shared research strengths and expertise, sandpits - exploring new ideas (research, education, entrepreneurship)
  • Development of joint education initiatives: Interactive (undergraduate and postgraduate student / ECR) experiences i.e. Hackathons, grand challenges, virtual guest lectures (pre-recorded content) teaching into existing modules content, education sandpits - bringing academics together to explore new joint education ideas/concepts (joint-online courses, in-person exchange experiences, field-trips, summer / winter schools etc).
  • Co-Creating of digital resources
  • Directly incurred labour costs of staff directly employed to deliver the core elements of the proposed activity. 
  • Venue and Catering costs
  • External speakers/facilitators to participate in events
  • If international travel is supported by both partner Institutions: Travel, visas, accommodation and subsistence. 

The following items are not eligible for funding under this scheme:

  • academic salaries
  • student fees/tuition
  • indirect costs and overheads
  • publication costs
  • costs associated with internal research facilities.