UQ and Indonesia

Asia-Pacific partners

After more than 50 years of close collaboration, UQ is one of the most engaged international universities with Indonesia, with particularly strong ties with the University of Indonesia and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Through our research synergies – particularly food and water security, energy and resource management, and governance – we are creating a healthier, happier, and more sustainable future.

Fast facts


Indonesian students enrolled at UQ


Indonesia-UQ co-publications


academic staff born in Indonesia


research project collaborations


alumni in Indonesia


agreements with 19 official partners

Fast facts show full year 2023 data. 

Collaboration in action

  • Indonesia is Australia’s neighbour by geography and a friend by choice. 2024 marks 75 years of diplomatic relations between Australia and Indonesia. The University of Queensland (UQ) has a long-standing and robust relationship with Indonesia, spanning over 50 years. This partnership has fostered educational and research synergies, formed long-lasting networks through industry and esteemed alumni, creating a positive impact for both parties.
  • Following his involvement in collaborative research with Australian colleagues during his masters degree, Rian was determined to pursue a PhD in Australia through an Australia Awards Scholarship. He decided to attend The University of Queensland (UQ), largely because of Brisbane's pleasant climate and the availability of academic supervisors who were experts numerical modelling, environmental design, and civil engineering.
  • After a competitive selection process,12 initiatives have been awarded funding totalling $93,132 for the latest UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme (Round 2, 2023).
  • ​The University of Queensland are proud to host the first cohort of Indonesian students under the new Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scholarship program. The program, funded by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, provides Indonesian students the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at a top international institution.

  • Following a competitive selection process, 5 outstanding initiatives have received funding totalling $47,000 in the latest UQ Global Strategy and Partnership Seed Funding Scheme.
  • Studying at UQ enriched my experience working with diverse individuals worldwide.



Indonesia is home to a large UQ alumni network - UQ has 3,023 alumni living in Indonesia. Alumni with significant links to Indonesia include:

Research Professor in Microbiology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences; 2014 UQ International Alumnus of the Year (PhD 1989)
Chair of Risk Monitoring Committee, Independent Commissioner at Taspen Life and 2012 winner of the UNESCO-L'Oreal Women in Science Award (Master of Science, Marine Studies 2005)
Vice Minister of Environmental and Forestry at Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia (PhD 2016). 2021 Australia Awards Indonesia alumnus of the Year.
Secretary General of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), and former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning in Indonesia (PhD 2010)