UQ and Indonesia

Asia-Pacific partners

After more than 50 years of close collaboration, UQ is one of the most engaged international universities with Indonesia, with particularly strong ties with the University of Indonesia and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Through our research synergies – particularly food and water security, energy and resource management, and governance – we are creating a healthier, happier, and more sustainable future.

Fast facts


Indonesian students enrolled at UQ


Indonesia-UQ co-publications


academic staff born in Indonesia


research project collaborations


alumni in Indonesia


agreements with 19 official partners

Fast facts show full year 2023 data. 

Collaboration in action

  • The Australian Government has awarded scholarships to three University of Queensland students as part of its New Colombo Plan (NCP) 2018 round.
  • Last month, 18 Indonesian Government officials honed their ability to communicate project outcomes with a short course on Project Report Writing at The University of Queensland (UQ). The short course was delivered by the Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ) International Development team (UQID), with funding from the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas).
  • More than 20 international students from The University of Queensland had their moment to shine at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law’s International Scholarships Dinner.
  • The University of Queensland’s Professor André Drenth will be one of the first scientists to participate in a new Indonesian Government program that aims to strengthen Indonesia’s global research collaborations and boost food security.
  • More than 400 University of Queensland students will have the valuable opportunity to travel to the Indo-Pacific region to gain practical experience next year under the New Colombo Plan Mobility program.
  • Arya Yoga Rudhita recently reached a milestone on his journey towards creating a more inclusive society for people with disabilities – he graduated from The University of Queensland with a Master of Business. Arya, who suffered spinal cord injuries after a motorcycle accident in his home country of Indonesia, decided to apply for an Australia Awards Scholarship so he could focus on helping other people with disabilities become entrepreneurs.



Indonesia is home to a large UQ alumni network - UQ has 3,023 alumni living in Indonesia. Alumni with significant links to Indonesia include:

Research Professor in Microbiology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences; 2014 UQ International Alumnus of the Year (PhD 1989)
Chair of Risk Monitoring Committee, Independent Commissioner at Taspen Life and 2012 winner of the UNESCO-L'Oreal Women in Science Award (Master of Science, Marine Studies 2005)
Vice Minister of Environmental and Forestry at Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia (PhD 2016). 2021 Australia Awards Indonesia alumnus of the Year.
Secretary General of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), and former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning in Indonesia (PhD 2010)