
Event photo

Addressing Indigenous health inequalities

17 March 2021 9:00am10:00am
Despite sustained efforts to improve Indigenous people’s health, significant gaps, such as, life expectancy and child mortality remain between the dominant and Indigenous populations in Australia and Canada – clearly reform is needed. The second webinar will look to some of UQ and UBC’s leading researchers to help us understand what more can be done to close the gap and improve Indigenous health outcomes.
Cyber Security Webinar

Webinar: Cyber Security - is a secure future possible?

2 March 2021 6:00pm7:00pm
The University of Queensland (UQ) in collaboration with the Embassy of Israel in Australia are hosting a webinar Cyber Security - is a secure future possible?

Information Session - Emory-UQ Collaborative Partnership Research Grant

13 January 2021 9:00am10:00am
Emory and UQ have partnered to establish a Collaborative Partnership Research Grant through Emory’s Halle Institute for Global Research. The Collaborative Partnership Research Grant program fosters the broadening of international research and engagement between Emory University and UQ.
APRU Esports MetaGame Conference

APRU Esports MetaGame Conference

12 December 2020 11:00am2:30pm
The inaugural MetaGame Conference will focus on Hong Kong as an emerging Esports leader in the region and examines the ways that an international network of Esports leaders can further its scope within universities from Esports as digital entertainment to developing career pathways for students in the Esports ecosystem.

QUEX Symposium 2020

24 November 2020 6:00pm8 December 2020 8:00pm
Join us for a showcase of the QUEX Institute with interactive sessions to discuss ideas and explore approaches/solutions to global and local challenges. This will be a valuable opportunity for the QUEX community to come together to share knowledge and present progress of QUEX-funded projects and initiatives. Symposium sessions will create space for academics, researchers, students and professional service staff to come together to discuss collaborative ideas and celebrate the success of the Institute to date.
Studying from home image

UQ-ALABC Latin American Education Webinar

6 November 2020 7:00am8:00am
Join UQ and the Australian-Latin America Business Council (ALABC) for a webinar to address the issue: how Universities can work with Government to rebuild in a post-pandemic world.
UQ-IITD-AIIMS Research Symposium – Functional Genomics

UQ-IITD-AIIMS Research Symposium – Functional Genomics

5 November 2020 2:00pm5:00pm
The University of Queensland (UQ) in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) and All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) have identified strong potential for future collaboration in Functional Genomics.

UQ-UZH Virtual Workshop – Green Chemistry and Biocatalysis

2 November 2020 5:00pm9 November 2020 7:00pm
The University of Queensland (UQ) and the University of Zurich (UZH) are designing a strategic engagement framework that will inspire scientific leadership and nurture a partnership committed to the exchange of knowledge and the pursuit of scientific excellence. To build a strong research network and engagement across UQ and UZH, a series of academic workshops are planned to guide future collaborations.
UQ-CUHK Ethics Webinar

UQ-CUHK Ethics Webinar

15 October 2020 6:00pm7:30pm
After the successful inaugural UQ-CUHK Health Engineering Virtual Symposium held on Wednesday 19 August 2020, The University of Queensland (UQ) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will hold a public webinar focused on an ethics discussion “The Ethics of Health during a Global Pandemic”.
Emory University (Emory) and The University of Queensland (UQ)

Information Session - Emory-UQ Collaborative Partnership Research Grant

8 October 2020 8:30am9:30am
Emory and UQ have partnered to establish a Collaborative Partnership Research Grant through Emory’s Halle Institute for Global Research. The Collaborative Partnership Research Grant program fosters the broadening of international research and engagement between Emory University and UQ.
 Research Funding Opportunities in Canada

Research Funding Opportunities in Canada

1 October 2020 2:00pm3:00pm
The High Commission of Canada and The University of Queensland invite you to join us for our upcoming webinar to learn more about Canadian research funding options.
UQ-UI Bilateral Research Forum

UQ-UI Bilateral Research Forum

1 October 2020 1:00pm3:00pm
The University of Queensland (UQ) and the University of Indonesia (UI) are delighted to present the first in a regular series of webinars as part of the UQ-UI Bilateral Research Forum.
UQ-JLU Research Symposium

UQ-JLU Research Symposium

14 September 2020 10:30am2:30pm
UQ and Jilin University (JLU) share a strong vision to deliver world-class teaching and research outcomes that will create lasting positive change.

ASEAN-Australia Youth Innovation Challenge

13 September 2020 11:00pm
Registrations for the AASYP Reset: ASEAN-Australia Youth Innovation Challenge are now open! AASYP Reset will bring together and encourage young people from across ASEAN and Australia to develop and pitch solutions to our region’s most pressing problems. Free to enter with AUD $1000 up for grabs, as well as mentoring from industry leaders, opportunities to build your skill and capabilities, and the potential to turn your idea into a reality!

UQ-ALABC Latin America Sustainability Symposium

10 September 2020 8:30am10:30am
UQ and Australian-Latin American Business Council (ALABC) are co-hosting the Latin American Sustainability Symposium. Where key speakers will address three panels: Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Production and Consumption, and Partnerships for the Goals.
Indo-Pacific Student Mobility Dialogue

Indo-Pacific Student Mobility Dialogue

26 August 2020 7:00pm9:00pm
The Indo-Pacific Student Mobility Youth Dialogue is a new initiative to bring together Australian students to discuss the future of international education and mobility. Applications close on 2 August 2020.
Health Engineering

UQ-CUHK Health Engineering Virtual Symposium

19 August 2020 11:00am4:00pm

The University of Queensland (UQ) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) share a strong track record and vision for success. The two institutions have identified strong potential for future collaboration in numerous areas including engineering, health sciences, medicine, and social sciences to share expertise, leverage opportunities and address global challenges. To build a strong research network and engagement across UQ and CUHK, a series of research symposiums are planned to guide future research collaborations.
Westpac Future Leaders

Westpac Future Leaders Information Session

21 July 2020 3:00pm4:00pm
Join the Westpac Future Leaders Information Session on Tuesday 21 July. The Westpac Scholars program, valued up to $120,000 supports exceptional individuals to undertake postgraduate study at one of Australia's leading universities.

Prestigious Scholarships Virtual Info Session

7 May 2020 11:00am
Our Prestigious Scholarships Virtual Session brings together major scholarship providers that support global study and research opportunities. Students and staff are invited to attend information sessions throughout the morning to meet organisations and learn about available programs.
Ghent University

UQ-Ghent Research Workshop

31 March 2020 10:00am1 April 2020 4:00pm
We regret to inform you that due to the unfolding circumstances relative to COVID-19, the UQ-Ghent Joint Research Workshop has been postponed until further notice.
Disruptive Times - Liberal Democracy Under Pressure

Disruptive Times - Liberal Democracy Under Pressure

3 March 2020 9:45am11:15am
Amidst currents of anti-Western ideology in its various forms the concept of liberal democracy is under attack. Hear from Chancellor Angela Merkel's campaign manager who will explore Germany’s current challenges which are symptomatic of broader global developments and challenges.
Pope's Toilet

The Pope's Toilet (Uruguay)

25 October 2019 4:15pm
Join us for the final UQ screening for the 15th Annual Latin American Film Festival. This night we will be showing Uruguayan film The Pope’s Toilet (El Baño Del Papa).
Man facing southeast

Man Facing Southeast (Argentina)

24 October 2019 4:15pm
Come along to UQ's third Latin American Film Festival screening. This night we will be playing the Argentinan film Man Facing Southeast (Hombre Mirando al Sudeste).
Fallen Gods

Fallen Gods (Cuba)

23 October 2019 4:15pm
Come along to UQ's second Latin American Film Festival screening. This night we will be playing the Cuban film Fallen Gods (Los Dioses Rotos).
Latin American Colloquium

2019 Latin American Colloquium

22 October 2019 2:00pm
The 2019 Latin American Colloquium (LAC 2019) will look to: Advancing Latin American and Australian relations through Entrepreneurship and Innovation
