UQ and the Pacific

From good neighbours to strategic partners

As our closest international neighbours, UQ and the diverse countries of the Pacific share longstanding relationships. With an emphasis on medicine, health, science and international development, we are working together to strengthen economic , governance, health and social systems throughout the Pacific. One of the world’s most biodiverse regions, our collaborative efforts also contribute to understanding and protecting the oceans, crops and animals that its communities rely on.

Fast facts

Excludes Australia.


Students from the Pacific enrolled at UQ


Pacific-UQ co-publications


academic staff born in the Pacific


research project collaborations


alumni in the Pacific


agreements with 8 official partners

Fast facts show full year 2023 data. 

Collaboration in action

  • The University of Queensland’s International Development has designed a customised leadership and management training program for fisheries leaders in the Pacific, together with Pacific Community (SPC) and two other partner organisations: Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and the Centre for Adaptive Leadership (CLA).
  • As a new group of UQ medical students prepare to volunteer in Papua New Guinea, third-year medical student Rose Blackwood reflects on her experience as part of the project.
  • The University of Queensland and Newcrest Mining Limited have signed a partnership agreement that paves the way for long-term education, training and research activities.
  • More than 270 University of Queensland students will reap the rewards of more than $1.23 million allocated to UQ in the latest round of Federal Government New Colombo Plan mobility program funding.
  • Collaborating with international researchers and non-government organisations, The University of Queensland’s Professor Jennifer Corrin is working to find solutions to the problems that arise from legal pluralism – the co-existence of different legal systems within one social field.
  • To commemorate 40 years since the Solomon Islands gained independence from the United Kingdom, a University of Queensland historian will visit the country as a guest of the Australian High Commission.



UQ has more than 2,148 alumni in the Pacific (excluding Australia). Alumni with strong links to the region include:

Papua New Guinea

Member of Parliament for Alotau electorate, Minister for Planning, Papua New Guinea (Bachelor of Economics, 1989)

President of Kiribati (Master of Economic Studies 2002)

Law lecturer, School of Law University of South Pacific (PhD, 2013)

Leader of the National Federation Party, Shadow Minister for Finance, Planning and National Statistics, Fiji (PhD 1998)
Papua New Guinea

Director of the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute (PhD Applied Economics 2013)
Papua New Guinea

Member of Parliament for Gazelle Open and Minister Transport & Infrastructure (Masters of Agribusiness 2002)

Commissioner of Police & Superintendent of Prison at Kiribati Police and Prison Service (Master of Philosophy 2004)

Summer and Winter Olympian for Taekwondo and cross-country skiing representing Tonga (Bachelor of Engineering 2007)