During a recent visit to the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), UQ-IITD Academy of Research joint PhD candidate Vallari Chourasia had the opportunity to present her research to Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.
Australian Education Minister Jason Clare is on a visit to India from February 28 to March 3. He is leading a delegation of Australian higher education leaders to promote institutional partnerships and boost collaboration between the two countries.
The University of Queensland has been selected as one of the first launch institutions in the world to partner with biotechnology company Moderna to research and develop vaccines to tackle the world’s greatest global public health threats.
Ventures, the entrepreneurship division of The University of Queensland (UQ), is partnering with the Vietnam Institute of Science Technology and Innovation (VISTI) to develop a collaborative centre in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Join the discussion on social determinants of health and how they are fundamental to addressing inequalities in health outcomes across society. Part 3 of 4 of the UQ-CUHK Health Equity Webinar Series.
University of Queensland researchers have unlocked a way of fighting Listeria infections, which can cause severe illness in pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems.
Sustainable Minerals Institute and University of Geneva researchers explore ore-sand as a sustainable source that could reduce the volume of waste produced by mining.
The University of Queensland (UQ) in collaboration with University of Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) and its members CentraleSupelec (CS) and AgroParisTech (AgroPT) are hosting four events in November as part of UQ-UPSaclay framework collaboration.