This scheme is now closed. Moved to Global Partnerships Funding Scheme.
The UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme assists UQ faculties, institutes and units to pursue activities that will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network.
To support the successful implementation of the Global Strategy Framework, the Global Strategy and Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme has been created to assist UQ faculties, institutes and units to pursue activities that will strengthen the impact of UQ’s global network. $75,000 had been made available for Round Two 2023.
For any queries relating to the Scheme or further information on the Global Strategy, please contact
How to apply
Submit the application form to your faculty or institute contact. Applications must be approved by the Executive Dean or Institute Director. Global Partnerships will not accept applications directly.
We recommend familiarising yourself with UQ’s Global Strategy, focus countries and premier partners, and discussing your proposed initiative with your faculty or institute contact before applying.
Scheme aims
The scheme aims to:
- provide financial support for innovative joint activities. Activities may include the organisation of virtual workshops, exhibitions, mobility projects, webinars, and local activities that supports partnership development.
- enable the pursuit of key opportunities and nurture partner networks that have been identified as having the potential to advance UQ’s strategic objectives within priority countries
- develop mutually beneficial education and research outcomes with individuals and organisations that raise UQ’s global profile
- support UQ faculties, institutes and units to launch new projects and to promote innovative, creative initiatives that further UQ’s Global Strategy objectives.
Supported initiatives
Round Two 2023 is open to initiatives in UQ’s priority countries: USA, Vietnam, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Germany, China, and India, as well as the Pacific Region. In addition, initiatives to expand collaboration with UQ’s premier and emerging premier partners will be prioritised.
Example initiative types include:
- organisation of face-to-face and/or virtual joint symposia, workshops, exhibitions, mobility projects, and webinars
- local activities (in Australia and partner countries) that supports the expansion of engagement in accordance with the Global Strategy
- participation in premier and emerging premier partner engagement initiatives or events to enhance UQ’s profile and global outreach
- initiatives that promote the development of industry and government linkages with priority countries
- initiatives that may lead to external funding applications
The Global Strategy Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme Report (March 2019) showcases successful applications, for reference. All initiatives must demonstrate a clear emphasis on engagement outcomes and must align with UQ's Global Strategy.
Funding details
For each round, $75,000 is available. Applicants may request up to $10,000 per initiative.
Applications that demonstrate matched funding by the UQ unit will be viewed favourably. This may be a combination of funding from the school/faculty or centre/institute.
Partner funding or in-kind support will also be taken into account.
Eligibility criteria
- The lead applicant should have an ongoing UQ role or contract that exceeds the project duration.
- Eligible applicants should demonstrate evidence of support from their unit in the form of matched funding, and applications must be signed by the Executive Dean or Institute Director.
- Proposals must clearly demonstrate the benefits to UQ’s engagement objectives in priority countries, preferably with premier and emerging premier institutions.
- The project scope should be clearly defined in the application and avoid cross over with other UQ internal grant schemes.
- Collaboration should ideally involve partners from multiple institutions, and multiple individuals and departments across UQ.
- It is permissible to use up to 50% of your Seed Funding requested grant amount to fund labour costs of Australian employees directly to deliver the core elements of the project. It is preferred that the School/Faculty matches the labour costs. Expenditure related to production costs (such as freight or artists’ fee), interpretation and translation costs, advertising and promotion, graphic design and photography, and publications and printed materials are eligible.
Applications will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria: anticipated outcomes and benefits, alignment of activity with UQ Global Strategy partner priorities, and matched funding. Further details on selection criteria are available in the Guidelines.
Faculty and institute contacts
Faculty or institute | Representative | Email |
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology | Jane Mooney | |
Centre for Advanced Imaging | Rachael Birks | |
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law | Laura Hassett | |
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology | Melinda Knox | |
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences | Chloe Lee | |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Majella Ferguson | |
Faculty of Medicine | Research Strategy and Support Office | |
Faculty of Science | Andrea Belcher | |
Institute for Molecular Bioscience | Michelle Foley | |
Institute for Social Science Research | ISSR | |
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation | QAAFI | |
Queensland Brain Institute | Sylvie Pichelin | |
Sustainable Minerals Institute | Tash Winters |
Frequently asked questions
3. What initiatives are not eligible?
- professional staff development, such as attending a conference or workshop that does not benefit the broader strategic partnership
- travel grants for individual researchers or students, unless the application demonstrates how this is integral to achieving broader engagement outcomes with a premier partner
- laboratory costs or research data collection
- purchase or transport of equipment and research materials.
- subsidy of general ongoing salaries and administrative expenses
- Research grants, salaries for research assistants, or top-up research funding
- initiatives funded by another UQ internal grant scheme, including projects which have been funded by the Seed Funding.
The above list is not exhaustive. Please contact Global Partnerships if you would like clarification.